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Talk Like A Pirate Day September 18, 2018

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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—-Reposted from 2009

Let’s all TLAP!


It’s Hard To Be Humble When You Are As Great As We Are September 14, 2018

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Ok, a short conversation with a dear friend motivated me to this.

Donald Trump is not a very nice person. He has lived a less than angelic life. As I wrote before the election, I pondered if America was ready for his unabashed ego and take no prisoners style. With two years under his belt it is clear to see Donald Trump is the only person who could have started the unraveling of the political status quo that has hijacked my America. For the most part, I knew what I was getting when I voted for Donald Trump. I admit he has surprised me both positively and negatively, however I believe Donald Trump has my best interests at heart. I know they are not the best interests of liberals. I like that.  I am a capitalist who believes in personal responsibility. I want to be wealthy like Donald Trump. I want to live in a country where anyone can become wealthy despite their station in life. I do not want to share my wealth with undeserving, envious, lazy people. I will always help those whose circumstances are less than mine through no fault of their own.

Because of my beliefs I have many enemies: liberals, progressives, socialists, globalists.

I don’t care what those people think of me. I don’t care what the rest of the world thinks about America. Deep down they all want to be Americans or at least live like us.

Yes, I am blessed to have been born American. I believe being an American makes me better than the rest of the world. Being the best brings a responsibility to protect and uphold the values that make us the best. Donald Trump is doing that and that is why I support him.



Personal Responsibility September 13, 2018

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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I am now again moved to speak my mind about the events shaping my world.

The United States is more polarized than ever before. Two distinct philosophies are diametrically opposed and facing off daily. Their positions color their actions towards every area in our society and the divide is growing.

When our country was founded the innate tenants of Capitalism were rooted in the very souls of the men and women who sought to break free from a King who despotically ruled their lives. Given the opportunity to freely make a ‘go of it’ without oppression or subjugation, our forefathers set into motion a way of life that has proved to be the best system yet devised. They were willing to codify that system in documents that put every man’s life, whose name was attached, squarely in jeopardy.

Everything about the Declaration of Independence and Constitution is about allowing those who live under its words a freedom to pursue a path of life, liberty and a pursuit of happiness free of interference from his government or his fellow man.  This system is ultimately based on personal responsibility and that is where the divide begins.

One group has chosen to identify as victims—somehow at an immediate disadvantage to the other. They perceive they cannot compete based on a system that allows the individual to rise to whatever level of success they desire. These people must therefore change the system to allow for their success. That change includes restricting the free opportunities that are available to everyone and creating rules and regulations that hope to create an ‘even playing field’.  That even playing field has become Socialism. A world in which no one can be more successful than another (except for the people running it). A world where personal responsibility, entrepreneurship and self-drive are crushed in favor of a shared collective.

Socialism destroys incentive. The incentive to innovate, to risk capital with the opportunity for financial reward and the incentive for personal growth through free expression. Socialism destroys the individual. Socialism destroys.

The other group revels in personal responsibility. They see it as a fundamental expression borne from the Constitution. Their right to pursue that which is enumerated in that document is their responsibility. They get to decide how or if they choose to take advantage of those rights. They also know they are responsible for whatever results from their actions or non-actions.

Some say putting the onus of responsibility on the individual is unfair as some have advantages others do not. I would agree that some are born into situations that give them less challenges to realizing whatever level of personal achievement they seek. From the earliest days someone was born into this world with more than his neighbor and yet humankind has flourished. As long as the system of allowing anyone to reap the fruits of personal responsibility is in place perceived birthright advantage is just that, perceived.

My social Darwinism view puts me squarely in the personal responsibility camp. I have been called coldhearted and mean to my face and who knows what behind it.  To my defense I do believe to those much given, much is expected and for those souls born into distress through no fault of there own (physical and mental deficiencies) I wholeheartedly support providing help. I do not support assisting those whose envious and covetous ways seek to avoid personal responsibility for their own success.

Like my forefathers before me who, by their signatures on the Declaration of Independence, signed their own death warrants had they been captured, I too will fight, to the death if need be, to preserve Capitalism, personal responsibility and the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.