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Vice President Rubio October 28, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Last fall, when Marco Rubio was running for the Senate, I attended a town hall meeting and was fortunate to get my picture taken with the future Senator. I’ll admit I wanted the photo because I truly think Rubio will be President one day and this would be my best shot at ever attaining photographic immortality.

The Left has already decided Rubio presents the greatest threat to their plan of returning Obama to the White House in 2012.   And they’re right. A Vice President Rubio run will guarantee victory for any Republican nominee. So the vile left, led by the Washington Post has already jumped on the smear campaign and attacked Rubio for comments made regarding his families’ exodus from Cuba. At worst Rubio’s words could be described as misconstrued. Careful examination of the actual sentence can be interpreted several ways and of course the Post has interpreted them to fit their narrative. The Left is scared to death of Rubio and they should be. When we take over the White House and both houses of Congress, the stench of rotting liberal carcasses will be a sweet smell indeed.

Nice Hair October 26, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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The basic premise that the OWS crowd does not realize/accept is that  in order to make money you have to actually perform a job. In the same breath many of them will argue they know this while complaining they can’t get paid what THEY think they are worth.

They suffer from a completely unrealistic self-worth. In any non-socialistic country, individuals are paid commensurate with the value they provide.  A lot of these OWS people, complain about their inability to find work… It’s not clear to me that they’d be employable in virtually any capacity let alone a well-paying job.

That goes double for the dummy college students, who have absolutely no skills (by their own bad choices) but who consider themselves to be quasi-upper-class and so of course would not lower themselves to do any of the jobs they actually could do.

Really? Can’t find a job in cosmetology?

Why do you think that is? Let me guess. Wall Street, right?

—pinched from ACE of Spades

OWS October 23, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Bullseye October 22, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Sunday, October 23, 2011

The German ROSAT satellite fell back to Earth Saturday evening, U.S. time, NASA sources told ABC News. DLR, Germany’s scientific research agency, said the satellite re-entered the atmosphere between 9:45 and 10:15 p.m. ET. Just two hours prior Fritz was seen outside, eyes to the heavens, searching for the satellite as it made it’s pass directly over his house. Sadly not  only did a piece not strike him on the head, he didn’t even see it go by.


For as long as I can remember I have always said (half jokingly) that I will become famous for being the first person killed by getting hit by a meteorite. The running joke is so old among family now that they just nod patronizingly and mutter “let’s hope so”. So joy of joys when I read of the soon-to-die Roentgen Satellite. This German craft was launched by NASA in 1990 to investigate the origin, spectral composition and energy distribution of x-ray radiation throughout the universe. It took a crapper in 1998 when it’s x-ray “eye” got stuck open and looked directly at the sun. It was abandoned soon thereafter.

So now she’s in the death throes of earth’s gravitational tug and is guestimated to fall to earth tonight or tomorrow. Now here’s the cool part. There’s an awesome space geek website that tracks all things circling the earth. It’s real time and shows path, altitude, times and calculates the best chance of seeing the object as it passes overhead. I plugged in my zip code and it calculated the future passes. As luck would have it I have two chances to die! It seems the satellite will pass almost directly over my house not once but twice before she crashes. With any luck it will be during one of those fly-bys! So as I keep my eyes to the heavens and await immortality remember, one man’s dreams are another’s folly. In my case both.

Equality of Opportunity October 17, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Monty writes his DOOM posts every Monday morning at Ace of Spades. Here is the best explanation/reasoning for capitalism.

“This obsession about “equality” in an economic sense is wasted mental effort. Equality of opportunity is all around us; equality of outcome is impossible, given the vagaries of fate and the innate differences between human beings of different skills and abilities. If everyone had equal skills and equal opportunity, then no economy would be necessary because we could all just make our own stuff. Bubbles, booms, busts, crises, panics, and downturns are a fact of life on this planet; no economic system will ever get rid of them. The “anglo-saxon” model of market capitalism has proven to be the most successful economic system ever invented. That doesn’t mean it’s without fault — it just means it’s better than anything else we know of.”

Up Twinkle This October 17, 2011

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Kurt Schlichter has an excellent column at The Washington Examiner. I’ll link, excerpt and comment.

“Right now, idealistic young Americans are gathered together to fight injustice and build a better world.

Sure, they’re a little dirty, and maybe some of their language is a bit rough, but they’ve left behind family and friends, as well as the creature comforts the rest of us take for granted, to make a stand for what they believe in.

It’s just too bad that today the mainstream media is focusing on the spoiled, incoherent clowns of Occupy Wall Street and ignoring our young fighting men and women.” 

American hero

OWS freak

Of course these OWS miscreants would probably argue America’s soldiers are doing the bidding of an Imperialist nation and therefore their service  has no value and is in fact evil. Instead of serving their country in any meaningful way, they invent this absurd new sign language that somehow keeps people from feeling bad. I’ve got some sign language for you scum bags and I only need one finger.