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8/28 Rally August 29, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Me on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

I just got back to Florida from the Restoring Honor Rally in Washington, DC. I flew in early Saturday just in time to make the event. I’m still trying to process the enormity of it all. I heard one news outlet was quoting a source saying there were just 87,000 participants. As I live and breathe, I can attest to there being over 400,000 people packed on the Mall between the Lincoln Memorial and the Washington Monument. Why can I say that? Ohio State stadium seats over 100,000 and you could have fit at least four stadiums in the footprint of the mass of humanity that came to rally for Faith, Hope and Charity.

Rally was inside the black lines - 8/10th's of a mile long

Honor Rally from Washington Monument

It’s so predictable the liberal press will do anything to denigrate the will of the people when it does not follow their liberal agenda. Well I was there and I know the truth. God Bless Glenn Beck, the Special Operations Warrior Foundation and every person who joined the awesome throng honoring those among us who represent the best in America.

Here are some images from the rally.

Inside the Lincoln Memorial

Honor Rally, behind the stage, from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial

Man praying at the base of the Washington Monument

Honor Rally Patriot

Blue Hole over Boynton August 26, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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The Bermuda Triangle may be more famous but the Blue Hole over Boynton is just as mysterious. When I moved to Boynton Beach, Florida 12 years ago, I heard somebody tell me about a weird phenomenon in the skies over my town. It seems the entire area can be being pounded with rain and thunderstorms—a near daily occurrence during the summer rainy season—but the skies over Boynton Beach mysteriously remain clear.

Case in point. Yesterday, before I headed off to pick up my daughter from school, I checked the radar. A huge mass of rain was developing south of me and was tracking north. The colorful blob on the radar screen was so big I knew we were in for a nice, prolonged, needed soaking. As I headed out the sky was inky black to the immediate south and west confirming the radar. My trip took me west, then north. Not one mile from home the rain started. I ended up following the storm north driving the 12 miles in a building rain. After I had picked up daughter dear, we headed south, back into the thick of the maelstrom. I wondered out loud if it would be raining at the house when we got there. My grass certainly needed the water. The storm had indeed tracked from the south to the north. The further south we traveled the larger the pools of water in the road. However, as soon as I turned east off the turnpike the pavement got dryer and dryer. By the time I turned into my neighborhood, the road was bone dry—we had had nary a drop.

This weird phenomenon has happened time after time. What looks to be a sure hit on radar turns into a sure miss. I haven’t kept stats but I would bet storms mysteriously part as they pass over Boynton Beach more than 70 percent of the time. Many people might ask why I don’t embrace this phenomenon as a blessing—“it’s always sunny in Boynton….” It may be sunny but my watering bill is way too high.

The end of an era August 19, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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Our yacht club on Crystal Lake in Michigan is dedicated to promoting sailboat racing to kids of all ages. The Junior Fleet is the incubating ground the Club has used to nurture the love of the sport throughout the Club’s history. The Junior Fleet is open to any child, 5 to 16 years old, who passes the swimming test. My daughter started when she was 7.

This past summer marked the last season of her membership in the Juniors. Her summer was abbreviated by her study abroad in Spain, but she got to sail in a handful of races before the season ended. As an active parent volunteer for the last 10 years her last race hit me hard. I am very thankful for the chance to watch her mature both as a racer and as a young woman.

What’s the frequency? August 19, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Music I fancy, Yachts and other things that float.
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Justin Bieber

This really cool remix of a Justin Bieber song (yeah, go figure!) got me thinking about how we perceive things.  Who could imagine that slowing down a song by 800% would reveal an entirely new reality that is in many ways more beautiful than the original creation. I wonder what we would discover in our daily lives if we changed the frequency at which we perceive the world? I bet there are some amazing realities to be had.

Breakfast of Champions August 15, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Yachts and other things that float.
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It’s early Sunday morning. The house is quiet and I’m sipping a really good cup of Sumatran dark roast. I noticed a half eaten batch of brownies on the counter.  Last night my  daughter invited a young man over for dinner and a movie—pizza and something from Blockbuster.  My daughter fancies herself a baker. She has become known for ‘her brownies’. They are quite good but a monkey who can crack two eggs and measure  some oil could do the same. She gets really ticked when I point that out. I guess I should let her have her dream. Anyway, I pulled out a corner piece because that’s the best and bit down into that gooey goodness. Coupled with the coffee it made for an exquisite breakfast. I guess I’ll let her invite the young man back.

Boyfriend brownies

A Friday thought August 6, 2010

Posted by Fritz in Spiritual, Yachts and other things that float.
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Be glad you have the opportunity to be alive at this time, and to be a part of that preparation for the coming influences of a spiritual nature that must rule the world. These are indicated, and these are part of thy experience. Be happy of it, and give thanks daily for it. 2376-3

Association For Research and Enlightenment